I hope I got you hungry for Prime Rib with a photo lead for a change! The temperature as I am writing this is -4°. I know I mention the weather a lot when writing about our meals, but it really dictates what we eat. If we lived in Hawaii we would be eating seafood with fruit salsa. Alas, we are not in Hawaii so the meal tonight; Prime Rib! I love prime rib and I never have to talk Daryl into having one. Cooking a prime rib is pretty straight forward other than the standard debate: do you start at a high temperature and then reduce, or just do slow and low the whole time? Either way, you basically just put it int he oven. Thankfully, Daryl can spread his cooking wings on the sides, and the aus jus. The sides that we are having are a brussel sprout hash, and smashed potatoes. I am going to include all the recipes here. Aus Jus 1 pound beef shank 1 carrot 2 celery stalks 1 onion water 2 bay l...